Today the Microsoft eScience Workshop 2009 started officially. Yesterday we had some tutorials, but the event itself starts today. Right now, I'm attending the opening talk by Tony Hey, he's the MS vice president of External Research. I met him last May in Buenos Aires in the MS Faculty Summit Latinoamerica. He is very nice and showed interest about what we are doing.
The most important happening of the event so far is the release of the book The Fourth Paradigm by MS External Research:
The book includes different essays from scientist and engineers about the new way of doing science based on computer processing of huge amount of data. The third paradigm had to do also with computer support, but for simulation. The fourth paradigm is more about making sense out of the data using machine learning, data mining, visualization. So this is very related to what we are working on. One good think of the book is that it has been opened up to the public with a community commons license (yes MS releasing open stuff... hell is freezing ;) ).
Reviewing the agenda, I saw to Ben Shneiderman in the keynote speech. He is one of the main heads in Information Visualization area. So, it would be nice try to meet him.
He participated the first day in a forum. They were discussing about the challenges that eScience would have to overcome in order to consolidate.